Gone Fishing
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Fish Fun
Fun Fish For You To CatchPrint out this page and have fun finding 11 fish you can catch
C | W | O | A | H | A | B | C | R | A | O | Y | R | D | C |
W | O | X | C | Y | A | R | L | C | E | G | K | T | A | J |
D | U | R | N | C | A | J | B | U | A | P | H | Q | T | J |
G | E | I | C | P | B | A | S | S | E | R | I | A | B | N |
P | P | O | P | W | J | W | R | Z | W | G | P | R | V | N |
L | M | I | H | J | F | O | H | D | Z | H | I | D | T | O |
C | E | Z | E | L | U | F | O | B | Q | F | T | L | S | S |
C | H | A | N | N | E | L | C | A | T | L | U | J | L | D |
E | Y | E | L | L | A | W | E | A | W | A | O | R | Z | V |
C | G | T | D | H | T | P | W | O | G | T | R | J | A | W |
A | B | G | R | P | B | K | Z | P | X | H | T | S | Q | W |
O | W | I | U | M | U | E | T | S | X | E | P | J | K | K |
L | X | R | M | D | A | D | Q | Q | O | A | Q | U | P | U |
D | F | U | A | Z | G | F | H | S | M | D | H | E | F | T |
K | D | R | R | Y | Y | G | D | E | O | R | I | R | C | D |
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
grueling Battle

For more than thirty years, Dr. John Craighead has been one of the world's leading experts on bears. So when an Alaskan brown bear emerged from the forest near where Craighead was fishing, he thought nothing of it. But then the hooked salmon he was fighting started to jump, causing the bear to plunge into the water and take the fish in its mouth. "I had the bear on my line for about thirty seconds or more," Craighead said. "But of course there was nothing I could do." The bear clambered up the bank of the river and entered the heavy brush, breaking off Craighead's fishing line!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
What was the first thing I need in my tackle box that I just knew probably would not be where I left it? Yes a pocket knife. You get half way out in the lake in your boat and say oh did I check to see if my knife was in the box. I use my pocket knife for a lot of things then I miss place it just at the time I need it. Fishing string tangles then you have to change it when the biggest fish you have seen all day just swam away. I try to keep more than one folding pocket knife around even a Swiss army knife comes in handy when you are on the water all day. My folding pocket knife is part of everything I use fishing all the time. Never leave home without it.
My tactical knife is to hard to handle when you just need to cut small string or a lure off the line to change over. My tactical knife is used for survival. I guess you are asking what in the world would you need a tactical knife for on the lake. A tactical knife is for survival in the jungle. Well sometimes it is a jungle when you get tangled up on the bank of the river and you have to get out of the boat the brush and trees are thick. No I am not getting my line out of the tree. But there comes a time if you stay on the river to long you have to go to the bank if you know what I mean and there can be snakes found in the brush so your survival knife or tactical knife comes in handy.
A fixed blade knife or daggers sometimes called boot knives or for hunting the only thing about fixed blade knives is you need to have a good pouch or holder for these knives and you want to order or buy fixed blade knives that are not cheap. If I am going to gut a deer my Buck Master or Smith and Wesson fixed blade knife works just fine. So what ever you need a knife for whether fishing or hunting make sure you pick the right knife for the right job. The right blade for the right cut.
My tactical knife is to hard to handle when you just need to cut small string or a lure off the line to change over. My tactical knife is used for survival. I guess you are asking what in the world would you need a tactical knife for on the lake. A tactical knife is for survival in the jungle. Well sometimes it is a jungle when you get tangled up on the bank of the river and you have to get out of the boat the brush and trees are thick. No I am not getting my line out of the tree. But there comes a time if you stay on the river to long you have to go to the bank if you know what I mean and there can be snakes found in the brush so your survival knife or tactical knife comes in handy.
A fixed blade knife or daggers sometimes called boot knives or for hunting the only thing about fixed blade knives is you need to have a good pouch or holder for these knives and you want to order or buy fixed blade knives that are not cheap. If I am going to gut a deer my Buck Master or Smith and Wesson fixed blade knife works just fine. So what ever you need a knife for whether fishing or hunting make sure you pick the right knife for the right job. The right blade for the right cut.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
A real fish Story
Here's a Real Fish Story and It's All True!
Probably a world's record for fighting a fresh water fish on light tackle, 13 ¾ hours, was set Sunday at Silver Lake, 12 miles south of Warsaw.This battle of man against fish started at 9:15 a.m. when Harry Han, 44 of Wabash, tied into a "big one" at the north end of Silver Lake.The hassle ended in front of hundreds of spectators at 11 o'clock Sunday night. The fish won. It wore out two nylon fishing lines and four pairs of fishermen in the 13 ¾ hour duel.The fight captured the imagination of thousands of radio listeners across northern Indiana, who kept WRSW switchboards jammed through the day and into the night. Many hundreds of them drove to Silver lake and watched the struggle. Members of the Lake Conservation club, the Grant county emergency squad, the Silver Lake fire department and the Indiana conservation department, all got into the act in the effort to land the fish.To fishermen the battle became all the more exciting when word got to shore that Han was using only three-pound line, requiring a high degree of skill to keep from breaking. He fought the fish and was accompanied by Art Devers, Silver Lake resort owner, until one o'clock in the afternoon. Han was then called home to Wabash by the illness of one of his children.Sympathetic lake residents selected the best they had, Jim Flynn, president of their conservation club, to relieve Han. Flynn and Devers battled the fish for three hours when Flynn was relieved for a time by Earl Denny of Wabash, with skating rink operator George Musser at the oars.34 Boats AroundFlynn returned to the scene at the seven-hour point in the battle and he and Denny continued the fight. At one point there were 34 boats surrounding them, containing nearly 100 persons. Hundreds of others lined the shore.The captive fish took them up and down Silver Lake numerous times. When the battle had lasted eight hours, Flynn announced that the line was wearing out. Shortly thereafter it broke. But Flynn, alert, grabbed the end of the line as it passed the tip of the pole. He played the fish by hand while another spinning rod and line was brought from shore. Flynn and Denny, in a skillful piece of fishing art, tied the new line onto the broken end of the line holding the fish and the battle continued.Between the eighth and tenth hour of the fight Flynn and Denny literally herded the fish to the west side of the lake near the cottage of Don Bouse, county commissioner, in an effort to force it to the beach. The fish defeated this move and would not enter shallow water.Conservation Officer Bill Davis, who had followed the fight from 12 noon, called for assistance. A number of other conservation officers, intrigued by the battle, arrived at the scene.At dark Han came back to the lake and took over the rod for the balance of the fight. The Silver Lake fire department brought an emergency generator and flood lights to illuminate the scene and the balance of the battle was waged up and down the water front near the Bouse and Metzger cottages.Eludes NetThe Indiana conservation department sent a large net from Lake Wawasee. Several efforts were made to surround the fish with this net but the cagey old battler swam under it every time. At 11 p.m. Han once again had worked the fish to within a few feet of shore when the old section of the three-pound line that had held the fish for 13 and ¾ hours broke. The battle was over.The fish had never surfaced and no one got a look at him.Fishermen who observed the fight and the men who had held the rod believe it was a large catfish. It had too much shake and life to be a turtle. I did not break water and fight quite like a dog fish, but in it's powerful "runs" and actions in deep water resembled the characteristics of a big cat fish.Han is having quite a season of fishing. About three weeks ago he hooked a large bass and in placing him in the landing net upset the boat. He lost his tackle and his billfold, but when he came to the surface, he still had the bass in the landing net. He was not that fortunate Sunday.Whatever it was that got on Han's line Sunday morning was big and made the lake area one of its best fishing stories of recent years.Warsaw Times-Union Monday August 20, 1956 Front page
Probably a world's record for fighting a fresh water fish on light tackle, 13 ¾ hours, was set Sunday at Silver Lake, 12 miles south of Warsaw.This battle of man against fish started at 9:15 a.m. when Harry Han, 44 of Wabash, tied into a "big one" at the north end of Silver Lake.The hassle ended in front of hundreds of spectators at 11 o'clock Sunday night. The fish won. It wore out two nylon fishing lines and four pairs of fishermen in the 13 ¾ hour duel.The fight captured the imagination of thousands of radio listeners across northern Indiana, who kept WRSW switchboards jammed through the day and into the night. Many hundreds of them drove to Silver lake and watched the struggle. Members of the Lake Conservation club, the Grant county emergency squad, the Silver Lake fire department and the Indiana conservation department, all got into the act in the effort to land the fish.To fishermen the battle became all the more exciting when word got to shore that Han was using only three-pound line, requiring a high degree of skill to keep from breaking. He fought the fish and was accompanied by Art Devers, Silver Lake resort owner, until one o'clock in the afternoon. Han was then called home to Wabash by the illness of one of his children.Sympathetic lake residents selected the best they had, Jim Flynn, president of their conservation club, to relieve Han. Flynn and Devers battled the fish for three hours when Flynn was relieved for a time by Earl Denny of Wabash, with skating rink operator George Musser at the oars.34 Boats AroundFlynn returned to the scene at the seven-hour point in the battle and he and Denny continued the fight. At one point there were 34 boats surrounding them, containing nearly 100 persons. Hundreds of others lined the shore.The captive fish took them up and down Silver Lake numerous times. When the battle had lasted eight hours, Flynn announced that the line was wearing out. Shortly thereafter it broke. But Flynn, alert, grabbed the end of the line as it passed the tip of the pole. He played the fish by hand while another spinning rod and line was brought from shore. Flynn and Denny, in a skillful piece of fishing art, tied the new line onto the broken end of the line holding the fish and the battle continued.Between the eighth and tenth hour of the fight Flynn and Denny literally herded the fish to the west side of the lake near the cottage of Don Bouse, county commissioner, in an effort to force it to the beach. The fish defeated this move and would not enter shallow water.Conservation Officer Bill Davis, who had followed the fight from 12 noon, called for assistance. A number of other conservation officers, intrigued by the battle, arrived at the scene.At dark Han came back to the lake and took over the rod for the balance of the fight. The Silver Lake fire department brought an emergency generator and flood lights to illuminate the scene and the balance of the battle was waged up and down the water front near the Bouse and Metzger cottages.Eludes NetThe Indiana conservation department sent a large net from Lake Wawasee. Several efforts were made to surround the fish with this net but the cagey old battler swam under it every time. At 11 p.m. Han once again had worked the fish to within a few feet of shore when the old section of the three-pound line that had held the fish for 13 and ¾ hours broke. The battle was over.The fish had never surfaced and no one got a look at him.Fishermen who observed the fight and the men who had held the rod believe it was a large catfish. It had too much shake and life to be a turtle. I did not break water and fight quite like a dog fish, but in it's powerful "runs" and actions in deep water resembled the characteristics of a big cat fish.Han is having quite a season of fishing. About three weeks ago he hooked a large bass and in placing him in the landing net upset the boat. He lost his tackle and his billfold, but when he came to the surface, he still had the bass in the landing net. He was not that fortunate Sunday.Whatever it was that got on Han's line Sunday morning was big and made the lake area one of its best fishing stories of recent years.Warsaw Times-Union Monday August 20, 1956 Front page
Saturday, July 23, 2011
A little fishing humor
A lady goes into a sporting goods store to buy a fishing rod to give to her husband for his birthday. A salesman wearing dark glasses with a dog is behind the counter and asks, "Can I help you ma'am?"
"Well, I'd like to buy a fishing rod, can you tell me about this one?" she replies.
The salesman replies, "I'm sorry ma'am but I am blind and cannot see the rod you're referring to. However, if you'll drop it on the counter, I'll tell you all about it as I can tell rods by the sound they make."
So the lady picks up the rod and drops it on the counter.
"That's a Zebco 2500, fiberglass, 6'2" long, medium action - costs $55.95," he says.
The lady is amazed. She asks if she can try again. Finding another rod, she drops it on the counter.
"That's an Orion 35C, graphite, saltwater casting rod, 7' even - costs $135.00," he responds.
Impressed, the lady decides to buy the second rod. As the blind clerk is ringing up the sale, the lady walks a short distance away to look at fishing reels. As she returns to the counter, she cannot help herself, and makes a distintive sound as she passes gas. Embarrassed, but figuring the clerk will have no idea who did it, she elects not to apologize.
Finished with the sales tally, the clerk says, "That will be $170.00"
"What?" says the lady. "You said the rod was only $135.00."
"That's right ma'am," says the clerk. "$135.00 for the rod, $30.00 for the duck call, and $5.00 for the bait."
"Well, I'd like to buy a fishing rod, can you tell me about this one?" she replies.
The salesman replies, "I'm sorry ma'am but I am blind and cannot see the rod you're referring to. However, if you'll drop it on the counter, I'll tell you all about it as I can tell rods by the sound they make."
So the lady picks up the rod and drops it on the counter.
"That's a Zebco 2500, fiberglass, 6'2" long, medium action - costs $55.95," he says.
The lady is amazed. She asks if she can try again. Finding another rod, she drops it on the counter.
"That's an Orion 35C, graphite, saltwater casting rod, 7' even - costs $135.00," he responds.
Impressed, the lady decides to buy the second rod. As the blind clerk is ringing up the sale, the lady walks a short distance away to look at fishing reels. As she returns to the counter, she cannot help herself, and makes a distintive sound as she passes gas. Embarrassed, but figuring the clerk will have no idea who did it, she elects not to apologize.
Finished with the sales tally, the clerk says, "That will be $170.00"
"What?" says the lady. "You said the rod was only $135.00."
"That's right ma'am," says the clerk. "$135.00 for the rod, $30.00 for the duck call, and $5.00 for the bait."
Monday, July 18, 2011
Bait what do I know about bait? Well nothing but I know people that do. When I started this post I thought ok guys have to know about fishing so I am going to see what they say about bait and how long you use the same bait and what color or small or large I read some articles and I still don't know but I will tell you what this guy said. My Dusty would not ever tell guys what he was using when he was catching all the fish but I guess these guys don't care because they caught some big fish on this web site.
Bait to use -Confidence is extremely important. It doesn't matter how much you read or watch on TV, until you actually catch a fish on a lure you won't have confidence in it. Our tendencies are to throw the baits that we have the most confidence in - and there is nothing wrong with that. However, might I suggest that when your confidence baits are working their best, that is when you should try other baits and locations. Don't wait until you can't catch anything on your go-to baits in you favorite honey holes before trying new lures and spots. Honey holes, confidence and spots hope this helps it did not help me. lolo
Bait to use -Confidence is extremely important. It doesn't matter how much you read or watch on TV, until you actually catch a fish on a lure you won't have confidence in it. Our tendencies are to throw the baits that we have the most confidence in - and there is nothing wrong with that. However, might I suggest that when your confidence baits are working their best, that is when you should try other baits and locations. Don't wait until you can't catch anything on your go-to baits in you favorite honey holes before trying new lures and spots. Honey holes, confidence and spots hope this helps it did not help me. lolo
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