Monday, July 18, 2011


Bait what do I know about bait? Well nothing but I know people that do. When I started this post I thought ok guys have to know about fishing so I am going to see what they say about bait and how long you use the same bait and what color or small or large I read some articles and I still don't know but I will tell you what this guy said. My Dusty would not ever tell guys what he was using when he was catching all the fish but I guess these guys don't care because they caught some big fish on this web site.
Bait to use -Confidence is extremely important. It doesn't matter how much you read or watch on TV, until you actually catch a fish on a lure you won't have confidence in it. Our tendencies are to throw the baits that we have the most confidence in - and there is nothing wrong with that. However, might I suggest that when your confidence baits are working their best, that is when you should try other baits and locations. Don't wait until you can't catch anything on your go-to baits in you favorite honey holes before trying new lures and spots. Honey holes, confidence and spots hope this helps it did not help me. lolo

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